Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-6pm / Friday 8:30 am-12:30pm


by Terpan Prévention in Prevention and health, Terpan Prevention 03/05/2016

GOODIES : a new communication medium

We produce each year thousands of products for our clients/partners and we know how important it is to renew our offer.

Our GOODIES enhance your brand image all along your value chain. They directly  promote  and strengthen your actions towards a public  reassured by your signature.

You know your audience and how to speak to him, so the message is stronger and accurate.

A customized packaging can even ease the dialogue and make people smile, think, speak bout it…

Use these customized products (condoms, lubricants, breathalyzer, …) to spread your message. Maximum efficiency with these GOODIES that will accompany users up to their intimate moments.

We are here to provide you advices regarding your project and offer you the most suitable GOODIES meeting your expectations.




Female condoms, Male condoms, breathalyzers, ear plugs, cups, a lot of products to deliver your message.